As a Multimedia Designer at Carnegie Mellon Univiersity's Software Engineering Institute, I put together booths and event promo items using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and sometimes, Dimension.
Grace Hopper Celebration 2023
I designed several promo items and signs for SEI's booth at the event: a t-shirt, labels for suntan lotion and chapstick, a water bottle, a sticker, and headshot lock-ups for social networking. Illustrator, and InDesign, and Dimension.
The 2023 Intelligence and National Security Summit, also known as #IntelSummit23, was a two-day conference that brought together leaders from the public and private sectors to address national security and intelligence challenge.
Deliverables included Powerpoint slates for presentations, event signage including large cafe banner, promo items, powerpoint templates, and video slates for YouTube streaming. Photoshop and InDesign.